Archive Mode. Call 2020 NCOA Call for Entry—Photography Award Contest ended on 5/4/20, 9:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Terms & Conditions



By submitting an entry, the Artist grants permission for National Council on Aging (NCOA) and form & concept to use the accepted image on its website at NCOA Conference and exhibitions, for brochures, promotional materials, and publicity about the exhibition, both physical and virtual. Every effort will be made to maintain quality true to the submitted image, recognizing that the print or electronic medium may affect how the viewer receives the image. Artist will be given attribution for the work.

The Artist hereby certifies that he or she holds the copyright for this material and the copyright remains with said Artist. NCOA will display a notice that material must not be downloaded or copied, but will not be held responsible if artwork is copied. The Artist also certifies that the work submitted is original and does not infringe on any existing copyright. If artwork includes image of any person, artist certifies that a model release for such people has been obtained.

Furthermore, if the accepted work differs dramatically from the image submitted, NCOA reserves the right to eliminate the work from the conference and exhibitions.

This call has agreed to Terms & Conditions